Famous stolen masterpice

Some of the most recent and highly publicized thefts involving unrecovered works.

Edvard Munch’s The Scream

Picasso’s Nature Morte a la Charlotte

Leonardo da Vinci’s Madonna with the Yarnwinder

Flagellazione by Caravaggio

In Paraguay, thieves tunnel into National Fine Arts Museum and steal a dozen paintings, including a self-portrait by Tintoretto, The Virgin Mary and Jesus by Esteban Murillo, Landscape by Gustave Coubert and Woman’s Head by Adolphe Piot. Police say the 80-foot tunnel took two months to dig.

Special 21 (Palo Duro Canyon) by Georgia O’Keeffe is stolen from the New Mexico Museum of Fine Arts in Santa Fe. Valued in excess of $500,000.

In Rome, 10 paintings worth $5 million belonging to a collection housed in a historic hospital are stolen from an unguarded restoration room. Among those lost: The Sacra Famiglia by the 16th century artist Parmigianino; Flagellazione by Caravaggio mentor Cavalier D’Arpino, and Testa di Vecchio by Lanfranco, a master of the High Baroque.

written by The Associated Press

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