About famous Kazakhstani artists.

There are some information about Kazakhstani artists. Many of you maybe don’t know about them, but they exist.

Kasteyev Abilkhan (1904-1973)Kazakh painter and watercolorist, national artist of Kazakh USR.

He was born in Chizhin village near the Dzharkent city. From 1929 to 1931 Kasteyev studied in art studio of Nickolai Gavrilovich Khludov. Then in 1934-1937 years he continued his studying in Moscow, in art studio of Krupskaya.

His greatest works are «Колхозная молочная ферма», «Доение кобылиц», «Уборка хлопка», «Колхозный той», «Насильственный увоз невесты», «Купленная невеста», «Золотое зерно», «Аксайский карьер», «Высокогорный каток Медео», «Турксиб», «Долина Таласа», «Капчагайская степь».

And also portraits of Kenesary Kasymov, Abay, Chokan Valikhanov, Zhambyl. His best portrait is the “Portrait of Amangeldy Imanov”.

Many of Kasteyev’s works we can see at Shevchenko’s art gallery.

With Kasteyev’s name there is called the State art museum of Kazakhstan, and also streets in some cities of country.


Galimbayeva Aisha Garifovna. She was born in 1917/1918. She is a Kazakh painter and artist of cinema, national artist of Kazakhstan. Aisha is the first Kazakh girl artist. In her works there are high and light shapes of Kazakh women. She graduated Almaty art specialist school, then Moscow all union institute, the faculty of art fashion. Main works:  «Мать-героиня», «Саукеле», «Весна и осень» and others.


Sidorkin Evgeniy Matveyevich – was born in 1930, in village Lebyazhie in Kirov region. After graduating the Leningrad institute of art, sculpture and architecture of Repin, Sidorkin arrived to Kazakhstan. The main works of artist: “Аксакал” (1959), “Веселые обманщики” (1959), series of illustrations for Auezov’s novel “Путь Абая” (1960) and others. He took part in prestigious exhibitions, where his works were considered with highest rewards. “My Kazakhstan” – is the latest album of the artist.


Ismailova Gulfairus Mansurovna. In 1944 she entered in art specialist school in class of Cherkassky. Distinctive peculiarity of many of her works is decoration. The subjective world of Ismailova is national costumes, well-dressed head attires, adornments, airiness of fabric, patterns and ornament.

In 1971 G.Ismailova became the main artist of State academic theatre of opera and ballet of Abay.


СЫДЫХАНОВ Абдрашид Аронович – родился в 1937 г. в с. Кулагино, Гурьевской области. В 1965 г. окончил Художественное училище им. Н.В. Гоголя (г. Алматы). Участник выставок с 1965 г. Член СХ СССР с 1967 г. Работает в Алма-Ате с 1965 г.
В 1980-е годы художник меняет манеру своего живописного языка и создает произведения, получившие высокую оценку зрителей и критиков: “Девушка в дубленке” (1981, ГТГ, Москва), “Песня жаворонка” (1982), “Белый родник” (1986), “Дойка красной верблюдицы” (1987, ГМИ им. Кастеева, Алматы), а также “Собака, пожирающая своих щенят” (1988, ГМИ им. Кастеева), которая была отмечена золотой медалью на Биеннале Прикаспийских республик в Баку.
В 1986 г. присвоено звание Лауреата Государственной премии им. Ч. Валиханова, в 1990 г. – звание заслуженного деятеля искусств Республики Казахстан. Является почетным кавалером ордена «Курмет», лауреатом премии «Тарлан» (2000 г.).
Работы находятся в ГМИ им. Кастеева, Государственной Третьяковской галерее (Москва), Музее Хута Катовица (Польша), Музее Зиммерли (США), частных коллекциях Лихтенштейна, Франции, Швейцарии, Англии, Японии, США, Израиля.


Sydykhanov Abdrashid Aronovich – was born in 1937 in village Kulagino, Guriev region. In 1965 he graduated an Art specialist school of N.V.Gogol (Almaty city). He is participant of exhibitions from 1965. He is working in Almaty from 1965. In 1986 he got rank of prize-winner of Chokan Valikhanov’s State premium.

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